April Project: Day 27

I gave myself one hour at the end of the day to paint. I didn't have a plan, but I decided I would do a portrait, and as soon as I started I thought of Frida Kahlo. This is based off of a very colorful photo of her. If you google image search for Frida Kahlo, you will certainly see it. I hurried a lot to paint this quickly, and I wanted to spend more time, but I stuck to my hour of time and I think it is okay. I might have to dedicate a little more time for Frida Kahlo in the future! She is so beautiful and colorful and amazing!

I'll be back tomorrow with something new, so check back soon! :) Thanks for looking!

April Project: Day 10

Happy Friday, friends! Today was a windy and chilly day in Reykjavik. I got to spend a few hours with some of my Norwegian relatives who flew in today for a karate competition happening in town tomorrow. It was so fun to see them, speak some Norwegian, and show them around a bit. Later today I took down my work that was on display for a month at Mokka Kaffi. It was fun to have my paintings and drawings up for so long, and I look forward to perhaps someday having my own show somewhere in town.

I didn't give myself as much time to play today as yesterday, but I still managed to doodle and make some patterns. I had a couple scraps in my studio of my favorite paper (300 lb. Fabriano Hot Press Watercolor Paper in Bright White) that I had painted yellow and blue, so I painted one with gouache and drew on the yellow piece with shiny white ink and graphite. I haven't used graphite in combination with white ink like this before, but I liked the result. It was a fun way to make the shiny ink pop from the background, adding a little more dimension to it.

I'm looking forward to putting on pajamas and curling up in a blanket for the rest of the evening, listening to the weather get worse and worse. It is already lightly snowing and the wind is howling outside, but it is supposed to get worse later on. Inside is the place to be. Perhaps I'll bake some delicious cookies, too. That sounds good to me!

I'll be back tomorrow with something playful and new. Have a great weekend, everyone! :)